Reasons You Should NOT Get a Massage
Massage often accelerates the disease process of colds and flu.
Massage treatment should be postponed if you are even slightly ill.
Certain medical conditions require the exercise of caution concerning the advisability of getting a massage. If you are in any doubt, or if you are under medical care for any of these conditions, check with your doctor before scheduling massage therapy. This advice applies particularly in the case of cardiovascular conditions and heart disease, especially in cases of thrombosis, phlebitis, and edema.
Pregnancy Massage:
Massage of the abdomen, legs, and feet should not be given during the first three months of pregnancy when the risk of miscarriage is highest. The consent of the patient's doctor is recommended for any pregnancy massage.
Cancer patients are best treated by specially trained therapists who know which areas to avoid and what type of massage is appropriate. A doctor's advice is essential.
Always consult medical advice after any injury that causes severe pain.
Consult a qualified medical practitioner in cases of raised temperature, infections, or contagious disease.
Varicose veins, swellings, fractures, skin infections, burns, sunburns, or bruises should not be massaged. Lumps and swellings should always be checked by your doctor.
A good massage therapist will do a comprehensive Client Intake Interview before your massage and discuss your medical history, any medical problems you may be having, and how massage might affect you.