Fibromyalgia -- No one knew...
Chronic Lack of Deep Sleep is Associated with Fibromyalgia.
For too long people with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome were told, "It's all in your head! Get over it! Stop complaining! You're just being lazy..."
Even doctors often believed those things, whether or not they said it out loud. (See MSN headline story Why Fibromyalgia Has a Credibility Problem,>1=31055 ) I recently had a professional physical therapist from a prominent local hospital tell me that fibromyagia is even still sometimes skeptically called "fibro-my-ass" by their staff. How appalling is that?
Now many of us know different...
Fibromyalgia is a powerful and baffling life-changing disease that affects an estimated 3-6 million Americans. Chances are, someone you know may be suffering more than you know.
Until recently most people had never even heard of Fibromyalgia. Although medical experts have been slow to take peoples' own reports of extreme pain at face value, it appears that now things are changing. Unfortunately, it seems to have taken the vision of profits by pharmaceutical companies to bring knowledde of this issue into our homes via their beautiful commercials. But we can appreciate the awareness they offer, without necessarily buying into all their products.
An excellent educational slideshow explaining some of what is known about this mysterious disease can be seen at: